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- LMake
- Version: $VER: LMake 1.05 (02.10.97)
- Purpose: Creates Catalogs/Sourcecode
- Needs: Flexcat 1.9 or above
- Script needs: A catalog-description (#?.cd) [see flexcat.guide]
- Template:
- =========
- BASENAME = The name of the project without extensions.
- The script will use <name>.cd and create
- <name>_<language>.ct and <name>.src , if
- specified by SRC switch
- CAT = Create <basename>.catalog in
- locale:catalogs/<language>/
- NOCT = Do not create or update catalog translation
- file (.ct)
- SRC = Activate Source creation
- SD = Name of the FlexCat Source-Description
- (without .sd)
- This script will then create sourcecode
- <basename>.src
- (see Flexcat documentation)
- How to use #1: Create catalog and .ct
- =====================================
- First, you have to create a catalog-description (see Flexcat.guide for
- further information). Name this file <programname>.cd
- Then, start LMake script with just the basename as an argument
- e.g. LMake MyProg
- The LMake script will then open MyProg.cd and create a catalog
- translation file MyProg_<language>.ct in the same directory and a
- catalog-file LOCALE:catalogs/<language>/MyProg.catalog, if the
- argument switch CAT is set.
- If NOCT is specified, nothing will happen. Use this switch to
- create just a sourcefile or while testing with incomplete catalog
- descriptions/translations. (Otherwise the "***New" markers may be
- lost)
- (The <language> will be replaced by the preferred language-name,
- e.g deutsch, dansk, nederlands, ....
- LMake searches for env:language, so make sure, that this
- environment-variable ist set up correctly)
- Example: SetEnv Language deutsch
- How to use #2: Create source-code from .cd - file
- =================================================
- Flexcat offers the ability to create source code from just a .cd
- file, so you just can use this in your own projects. All declarations
- LibOpen etc. are made.
- Flexcat comes with a whole bunch of predefined source-descriptions (.sd)
- [C (For SAS, DICE, GCC, Azec etc),Assembler, AmigaE, Oberon ....]
- Those .sd - files can be found in the lib-drawer of the flexcat archive.
- To create a .ct and a source:
- LMake <basename> SRC SD=<source description>
- To create a .ct , a catalog and a source:
- LMake <basename> CAT SRC SD=<source description>
- To create a source only:
- LMake <basename> NOCT SRC SD=<source description>
- <source description> is the name of the source description in /lib
- without the .sd extension!!!!!!
- Example:
- LMake MyProg SRC SD=AutoC_c
- You have to specify both SRC and SD=xxxx to create a source code!
- Name of the source is <Progname>.src
- Author:
- =======
- Kai Norhausen
- Gueldenwerth 20
- D 42857 Remscheid
- EMAil kn@line.org